50km | Start: 11:30 a.m.
42.2km | Start: 11:30 a.m.
21.1km | Start: 12:00 p.m.
10.5km | Start: 11:30 a.m
5km | Start: 10:30 a.m
U4 - U6 300m | U7 - U10 1,000m | U11 - U14 2,000m | Start: from 10:00 a.m
15.5km | City run and quarter marathon | Start: 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
10.5km | Start: 11:30 a.m.
All information about registration
All information about issuing start numbers
All information about the event
frequently asked Questions
If you have any questions, contact us
The supporting program for the event
This happens in the start and finish area
How to get to the event
All information for the residents
If you have any questions, contact us
50 km | Start: from 11.30 am
42.2 km | Start: from 11.30 am
21.1 km | Start: from 12.00 noon
10.5 km | Start: from 11.30 am
5 km | Start: from 10.30 am
U4 - U6 300m | U7 - U10 1,000m | U11 - U14 2,000m | Start: from 10 a.m.
15.5km | City run and quarter marathon | Start: 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
21.1 km | Start: from 12.00 noon
10.5 km | Start: from 11.30 am
10.5 km | Start: from 10.30 am
All information about registration
All information about issuing start numbers
All information about the event
Frequently asked Questions
If you have any questions, contact us
The supporting program for the event
This happens in the start and finish area
How to get to the event
All information for the residents
If you have any questions, contact us
50 km | Start: from 11.30 am
42.2 km | Start: from 11.30 am
21.1 km | Start: from 12.00 noon
10.5 km | Start: from 11.30 am
5 km | Start: from 10.30 am
U4 - U6 300m | U7 - U10 1,000m | U11 - U14 2,000m | Start: from 10 a.m.
15.5km | City run and quarter marathon | Start: 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
21.1 km | Start: from 12.00 noon
10.5 km | Start: from 11.30 am
10.5 km | Start: from 10.30 am
All information about registration
All information about issuing start numbers
All information about the event
Frequently asked Questions
If you have any questions, contact us
The supporting program for the event
This happens in the start and finish area
How to get to the event
All information for the residents
If you have any questions, contact us
Here you can find all pictures from 2024!
There was a great report in Running Magazine about the 7th International Carinthia Marathon.
Off to the International Carinthia Marathon Carinzia Koroska in Feldkirchen and at Lake Ossiacher See! The annual running event attracts runners from all over the world. No wonder, as part of the marathon route winds through the idyllic natural jewel, the Natura 2000 area “Bleistätter Moor”, which attracts thousands of nature-loving bird lovers every year. The view of the calm Lake Ossicher is included. Enjoy the idyllic landscape in the heart of Carinthia, immerse yourself in the Tiebelstadt Feldkirchen and experience an unforgettable running experience.
Diverse range of routes
The International Carinthia Marathon offers the opportunity to choose between different distances: Marathon (the only (!) marathon in Carinthia that goes the full distance), half marathon, quarter marathon, city run, children’s and youth runs and finally the ultra-distance of 50 kilometers with the Super Marathon. Several distances (5km / 10.5km / 21.1km) are
also offered as walking routes. For the city run and the quarter marathon, a first and second classification is also offered and for the quarter marathon there is also the opportunity to start as a team of three. By the way: The largest group that registers for the competition (common club or team name required) will be rewarded with a special surprise.
Get to know people
The International Carinthia Marathon offers even more: celebrate your achievements at the awards ceremony, exchange ideas with other athletes, enjoy the shared experience and get to know new people. Well-known sports labels are represented on site and offer the opportunity to get new equipment. Your physical well-being is also well taken care of. So let’s get started! The RaceResults registration platform on our homepage is already open.
The “International Carinthia Marathon” in and around Feldkirchen has now been named Austria’s most beautiful marathon by Austria’s largest online running platform “HDsports”.
The most beautiful marathons in Austria were selected after extensive and intensive research and in collaboration with many runners. In the end, seven of them made it into the final selection, including the “International Carinthia Marathon” in and around Feldkirchen!
Registration only by email! – info@internationaler-kaernten-marathon.at
Coach, Run Organize KG
Wilhelm Leglergasse 23
1140 Wien
If you have any questions, call us or send us an email:
© 2024 International Carinthia Marathon – powered by pixelworld.at
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